Do you wish to get successful in dating online? Here are a couple secrets to successful online dating for men. Most people have taken to online dating like a duck jump into the water…because it works…or, at least, it can work. Women are … [Read More...]
Dating Updates
Secrets to Successful Online Dating
Online Dating Safety For Men
Almost everything you read about online dating safety is directed at women but men need to be concerned as well. Perverts, sexual predators and weirdoes come in both sexes, all sizes, and all ages…as do, liars and cheaters. So men need to stay on … [Read More...]
Mr. Perfect Does Not Exist!
The sooner you realize this sad but true fact, the sooner you can get on with finding Mr. Close-Enough-To-Perfect. Prince Charming, riding on a white stallion, lost his way or found Princess Charming and got married on his way to your castle. Get … [Read More...]
The Advantages of Online Dating for Women
In the past, i.e. the 1990’s, online dating was a brand new idea. Unlike today, most people did not own PC’s or even have access to the internet. Times have changed. Online dating is not only IN the mainstream, it IS the mainstream. There are many … [Read More...]